Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This is me typing in Google word processing program. It's web-based, not on my computer. I can format and spell check and add tables and weblinks and all that jazz, just as with a normal word processing program. But I can also publish it on the web in a way that allows me to choose who sees it. Like you, for instance. Or I can just make it public.
Or, as I've just discoverd, I can post this to my blog.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Highly trained staff, along with a group of student volunteers, encourage participants to make the most of this unique wilderness experience. Currently offered one weekend a month, the program allows participants to enhance their abilities in a relaxed but structured setting. While the emphasis is on having fun, campers are introduced to daily living skills like cooking, cleaning and shopping, and taught the tools they need to effectively handle a variety of cooperative-living and social situations.

(testing copy/paste).

No upload of posts using external WP?